Tuesday, November 30, 2010

JAX-WS service using Spring 3.0

This is a work in progress blog entry. I have come up with these two approaches of deploying a JAX-WS web service using Spring 3.0. First one on a JEE container second on NON-JEE container like tomact or jdk1.6 http server. If you are aware of any other approach please leave a comment.
As a next step i will update the performance stats and the marshalling/unmarshalling cost of the calls.

jax-ws - JEE container


spring - app context xml

No entires required

In this case the end point has to extend SpringBeanAutowiringSupport

public class SayHelloServiceEndpoint extends SpringBeanAutowiringSupport {


private SayHelloService SayHelloService;


public String sayHello() {

return SayHelloService.sayHello();



Service endpoint -




jax-ws - jdk 1.6 bundled in your web app

End Point class



public class SayHelloServiceEndpoint {


private SayHelloService SayHelloService;


public String sayHello() {

return SayHelloService.sayHello();



spring app context


no specific entires required

Service URL -




1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks man, this advice got my service working when every anything else out there on the web did not help