Tuesday, November 30, 2010

5 things you didn't know about ... Java Database Connectivity

    JDBC ResultSets can be scrollable, which might be useful for efficiently finding specific rows if your query returns ordered results. But scrolling ResultSets usually requires an open network connection, so this may not be desirable.

    JDBC ResultSets can but updateable, this might be more efficient than executing a separate update query (it would depend on the implementation). But updating ResultSets usually requires an open network connection, so this may not be desirable.

    JDBC comes with four disconnected RowSets that allow you to manipulate the ResultSet data without maintaining a database connection: CachedRowSet (a disconnected Rowset); WebRowSet (a CachedRowSet XML tranforms); JoinRowSet (a WebRowSet that can JOIN wjile staying disconnected); FilteredRowSet (a WebRowSet that can filter).

    Statement.executeBatch lets you execute more than one SQL statement within one network round-trip.

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