Monday, June 25, 2007

Nintendo Wii is a medical miracle, PS3 XBOX just makes you fat

The Nintendo Wii is in the hands of millions across the globe and is one of the best selling consoles of all time, making it hard to get, even now. The Wii is popular with just about everyone but is cropping up in places you might not have expected, hospitals, rehab centers and retirement homes.

The Wii’s unique controls make it the perfect companion for rehab centers, teaching patients how to regain control of their arms and letting them have fun at the same time. Walter Rowy suffered a stroke and after only a week at the Riley Rehab Center, is mastering Wii sports thanks to the motion controls.

The Meridian Star spoke with Ben Rucks, director of rehab services at Riley, who said that Dr. Janet Coyle was responsible for adding the Wii to the rehab program for stroke patients.

"Dr. Coyle got one (Wii) for Christmas and after playing on it for awhile, she realized that it would be wonderful for our stroke patients," stated Rucks.

He also said, "Unlike other video games — which only use the thumbs — the Wii requires use of the whole body, balance and hand-eye coordination.” “This is especially ideal for stroke patients in their recovery."

So far the Wii has been credited for helping patients lose wait and is being used to treat children who suffer from hemiplegic cerebral palsy, a condition that paralyzes one side of the body.

Stroke support groups are also purchasing Wiis to allow people that can’t acquire or afford the console to continue therapy after leaving the rehab centers.

There is one problem; it seems women aren’t taking to the games as well as men have so additional games are in the pipeline that will hopefully make the Wii (more) enjoyable for all the patients.

In addition to rehab centers and hospitals, retirement communities are also snatching up Wiis where elderly residents use it to play virtual golf and bowl. Another title that should be considered by these centers is Big Brain Academy which will help keeps minds focused and sharp.

While some hospitals do have the Xbox 360 and PS2 on offer for most children’s wards, neither have been shown to offer the medical benefits of the Wii since those don’t require you to get up and move around which is required for most types of therapy involving everything from broken limbs to strokes or more serious conditions.

This gives Nintendo another claim to fame with the Wii, it is doctor approved, Sony can’t claim that and neither can Microsoft.

More on Wii,PS3,XBOX

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