Saturday, December 10, 2011

Gretty - example - web-service

import org.mbte.gretty.httpserver.* 


GrettyServer server = [] 
server.groovy = [ 
    localAddress: new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8080), 
    defaultHandler: { 
        response.redirect "/" 
    "/:name": {
        get {
            response.text = "Hello ${request.parameters['name']}"
What this program does -

I created a server listening on port 8080, then set up a simple root endpoint containing the parameter name. Any request to some other endpoint will be routed back to / via the defaultHandler. The handler basically sends the requesting client an HTTP 301 "moved permanently" code, with the location of /. All requests will receive a response (with the content-type set to text/plain) containing the string "Hello" along with the value of any parameter passed; for instance, /Andy would yield "Hello Andy."

required librabies -

Groovy 1.8
gretty 0.4.279 and its dependent librabies downloaded by Grape

Execute -

groovy server.groovy

Making content type text/html -

"/:name": {
 get {
  response.html = "Hello ${request.parameters['name']}"
Using a template -
<html> <head>
Using the template in response -

"/:name" {  get {
   response.html = template("index.gpptl", 
     [message: "Hello ${request.parameters['name']}"])
Accessing Mongo DB- use Morphia

@GrabResolver(name='morphia', root='')
@Grab(group='', artifactId='morphia', module="morphia", 

Anyone's guess that this is a pure restful service - So this brings us to the question on when to use a restful service vs a soap based service. A quick read REST vs SOAP service

Also Read
An actor framework for Java concurrency
Instrumentation - Querying the memory usage of a Java object
10 things you didn't know about java performance monitoring
The Clean Coder

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