Saturday, December 10, 2011

Memory footprint of java primitives

Memory foot print of Java primitives

Java Primitive Data Types

Data Type Description Size Default Value
boolean true or false 1-bit false
char Unicode Character 16-bit \u0000
byte Signed Integer 8-bit (byte) 0
short Signed Integer 16-bit (short) 0
int Signed Integer 32-bit 0
long Signed Integer 64-bit 0L
longfloat Real number 32-bit 0.0f
double Real number 64-bit 0.0d

Next -- Garbage Collection explained
Prev -- Querying memory usage of a java object

Java development 2.0: Ultra-lightweight Java web services with Gretty
An actor framework for Java concurrency
10 things you didn't know about java performance monitoring
Java collection performance - Chart view
The Clean Coder

Gretty - example - web-service

import org.mbte.gretty.httpserver.* 


GrettyServer server = [] 
server.groovy = [ 
    localAddress: new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8080), 
    defaultHandler: { 
        response.redirect "/" 
    "/:name": {
        get {
            response.text = "Hello ${request.parameters['name']}"
What this program does -

I created a server listening on port 8080, then set up a simple root endpoint containing the parameter name. Any request to some other endpoint will be routed back to / via the defaultHandler. The handler basically sends the requesting client an HTTP 301 "moved permanently" code, with the location of /. All requests will receive a response (with the content-type set to text/plain) containing the string "Hello" along with the value of any parameter passed; for instance, /Andy would yield "Hello Andy."

required librabies -

Groovy 1.8
gretty 0.4.279 and its dependent librabies downloaded by Grape

Execute -

groovy server.groovy

Making content type text/html -

"/:name": {
 get {
  response.html = "Hello ${request.parameters['name']}"
Using a template -
<html> <head>
Using the template in response -

"/:name" {  get {
   response.html = template("index.gpptl", 
     [message: "Hello ${request.parameters['name']}"])
Accessing Mongo DB- use Morphia

@GrabResolver(name='morphia', root='')
@Grab(group='', artifactId='morphia', module="morphia", 

Anyone's guess that this is a pure restful service - So this brings us to the question on when to use a restful service vs a soap based service. A quick read REST vs SOAP service

Also Read
An actor framework for Java concurrency
Instrumentation - Querying the memory usage of a Java object
10 things you didn't know about java performance monitoring
The Clean Coder

Sample code - Kilim

A simple Calculator example -pretty naive but then demonstrates using Actor based model in java

In Kilim a thread must extend Task object and implement the execute method which should throw Pausable exception. Kilim weaver (read it as byte code enhancer) interprets classes containing operations throwing Pausable exception and weaves(enhances) it.

import java.math.RoundingMode;

import kilim.Mailbox;
import kilim.Pausable;
import kilim.Task;

public class Calculator extends Task{

 private Mailbox mailbox;

 public Calculator(Mailbox mailbox) {
  this.mailbox = mailbox;

 public void execute() throws Pausable, Exception {
  while (true) {   
   Calculation calc = mailbox.get(); // blocks
   if (calc.getAnswer() == null) {
    calc.setAnswer(calc.getDividend().divide(calc.getDivisor(), 8, 
    System.out.println("Calculator determined answer");

Thread2 - demonstrates sharing of data between Thread1 using a Mailbox

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Random;

import kilim.Mailbox;
import kilim.Pausable;
import kilim.Task;

public class DeferredDivision extends Task {

 private Mailbox mailbox;

 public DeferredDivision(Mailbox mailbox) {
  this.mailbox = mailbox;

 public void execute() throws Pausable, Exception {
  Random numberGenerator = new Random(new Date().getTime());
  MathContext context = new MathContext(8);
  while (true) {
   System.out.println("I need to know the answer of something");
   mailbox.putnb(new Calculation(
     new BigDecimal(numberGenerator.nextDouble(), context), 
     new BigDecimal(numberGenerator.nextDouble(), context)));
   Calculation answer = mailbox.getnb(); // no block
   if (answer != null && answer.getAnswer() != null) {
    System.out.println("Answer is: " + answer.printAnswer());

Using Ant invoke Kilim's weaver(byte code enhancer)


A simple test runner
import kilim.Mailbox;
import kilim.Task;

public class CalculationCooperation {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  Mailbox sharedMailbox = new Mailbox();

  Task deferred = new DeferredDivision(sharedMailbox);
  Task calculator = new Calculator(sharedMailbox);



Notice how the same Mailbox is shared between threads without a lock or synchronization

Your output will vary — actors are nondeterministic
[java] I need to know the answer of something
[java] Calculator determined answer
[java] Answer is: The answer of 0.36477377 divided by 0.96829189 is 0.37671881
[java] I need to know the answer of something
[java] Calculator determined answer
[java] Answer is: The answer of 0.40326269 divided by 0.38055487 is 1.05967029
[java] I need to know the answer of something
[java] Calculator determined answer
[java] Answer is: The answer of 0.16258913 divided by 0.91854403 is 0.17700744
[java] I need to know the answer of something
[java] Calculator determined answer
[java] Answer is: The answer of 0.77380722 divided by 0.49075363 is 1.57677330

Sequence Diagram -

Conclusion - As in Scala or Erlang , Actor model can be applied to java.

Also Read
Java development 2.0: Ultra-lightweight Java web services with Gretty
Instrumentation - Querying the memory usage of a Java object
10 things you didn't know about java performance monitoring
5 things you didn't know about java.util.concurrent
The Clean Coder

Friday, December 09, 2011

An actor framework for Java concurrency

Recently my curiosity towards learning something new , bumped me into a framework called Kilim. Ya that's right , not sure how many of you have heard about it.

Goal of this framework - to introduce Actor based concurrency to java ala. making the model similar to Erlang and Scala

Why do we need this switch from thread based model to Actor based model when it comes to concurrency - thread based model depends on using shared memory when it comes to communicating between threads. Actor based model takes a slightly different approach of using Mailboxes to communicate.

So whats the advantage ? - well when coded against Actor based model we don't need to worry about thread locks or use any kind of synchronization blocks. Actors are guaranteed to run on multi-core processors. Since there is no limitation or a dependency on shared memory actors can be scheduled on any core or a processor. Improves the overall performance and the scalability of system.

How to use Kilim? sample code - here

Also Read
Java development 2.0: Ultra-lightweight Java web services with Gretty
Instrumentation - Querying the memory usage of a Java object
10 things you didn't know about java performance monitoring
5 things you didn't know about java.util.concurrent
The Clean Coder

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Querying the memory usage of a Java object

Creating the instrumentation agent class - would work with Jdk 5 and above

The JVM will pass to our method an implementation of the Instrumentation interface, defined in java.lang.instrument. In turn, this interface defines the method getObjectSize(). So for example, if we want to measure the memory usage of an instance of SomeClass, our agent code would look as follows:
import java.lang.instrument.*;
import com.somepackage.SomeClass;

public class MyAgent {
  public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst) {
    SomeClass obj = new SomeClass();
    long size = inst.getObjectSize(obj);
    System.out.println("Bytes used by object: " + size);
Package the agent into a jar -

create manifest.txt with
Premain-Class: mypackage.MyAgent

execute this to create a jar -

jar -cmf manifest.txt agent.jar mypackage/MyAgent.class

Run the application with the agent -

java -javaagent:agent.jar -cp . com.mypackage.Main

Accessing the Instrumentation object from within our application -

public class MyAgent {
  private static volatile Instrumentation globalInstr;
  public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst) {
    globalInstr = inst;
  public static long getObjectSize(Object obj) {
    if (globalInstr == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException("Agent not initted");
    return globalInstr.getObjectSize(obj);

Now, provided the agent is included in the JVM command line parameters as above, then from anywhere in our application we can call MyAgent.getObjectSize() to query the memory size of an object created by our Java application

Note that the getObjectSize() method does not include the memory used by other objects referenced by the object passed in.

Next -- Memory footprint of java datatypes

Also Read
Java development 2.0: Ultra-lightweight Java web services with Gretty
An actor framework for Java concurrency
Java Garbage Collection explained
Java collection performance - Chart view
The Clean Coder

Hello world with gretty

Gretty is a simple web framework for both building web servers and clients. Built on top of netty, it supports NIO style http server, asynchronous http client. It also supports both websocket server and client.

It's designed to be light weight and run as a standalone embedded solution.

It's written in Groovy++. But you can use it with pure Groovy, Scala or even Java.

Do bear with me for not being a fancy writer -

Sample code demonstrating a quick web-service implementation

Also Read
An actor framework for Java concurrency
Instrumentation - Querying the memory usage of a Java object
10 things you didn't know about java performance monitoring
The Clean Coder